About me.

My wife, Raylene, and I have been married for 35 years. We have four children, three children-in-laws, one adorable grandson and 2 goldendoodles. After I graduated from Trinity Divinity School, we moved to Greeley in 1990 where I began serving as pastor of the 90 year old First Evangelical Free Church, which later became Christ Community. We have loved being a part of this amazing community.

I am passionate about teaching Biblical truth, strategically leading on a collaborative team, and prayer. Raylene and I love praying with people and helping them experience Jesus' love in places of woundedness and shame.

I love playing golf, reading William Kent Krueger novels, date nights with my wife, sunset walks with our golden doodles, and serving Jesus with the incredible staff team at Christ Community.

Feel free to contact me for a conversation, a time of prayer, a teaching opportunity or a round of golf.

Contact me.

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